Session Details

Reliable Energy Systems for Net Zero

Thursday, 9 March

12:00 pm - 12:50 pm (CST) / 09/mar/2023 06:00 pm - 09/mar/2023 06:50 pm
As the backbone of all economic activity, power systems are at the center of the energy trilemma. How can the energy that the world relies on to drive industrial activity be delivered in a way that is equal parts secure, sustainable and affordable? The turbulence of recent years has magnified this question for power industry players. Technology providers, project developers and system operators have had to contend with extreme weather, supply chain disruptions and inflationary pressures, all while striving to meet sustainability targets for a net-zero future. How is the power industry investing to address the trilemma? How are developers strategizing to maximize reliability? What is the mix of low-carbon technologies being deployed to achieve net-zero goals? How is firm capacity being balanced with low-cost intermittent energy? What is the role of gas, energy storage and other emerging technologies in a net-zero future?

Program Type: Executive Conference

Session Type: Strategic Dialogue

Session Speakers