Session Details

The Geopolitics of Energy Security and Transition

Wednesday, 8 March

4:05 pm - 4:45 pm (CST) / 08/mar/2023 10:05 pm - 08/mar/2023 10:45 pm
Much has been speculated about the geopolitical benefits of a net-zero world, fueled through renewable energies and revamped supply chains to support them. Energy, in theory, becomes locally sourced, not a tool of geopolitical power. Yet the world is only starting to grapple with the geopolitical impacts of making this transition. War in Ukraine has taught us that we need new policies, greater resilience and new tool kits. As the energy transition unfolds, what does energy justice mean across nations? How can we ensure adequate hydrocarbon supplies if they face massive retrenchment in coming decades? How do rich and poor governments incentivize technology investment guided by markets and not ideology? What are the new risks and opportunities in mineral supply chains and cyber vulnerability?
Session Speakers