Morgan D. Bazilian

Colorado School of Mines

Director, Payne Institute & Professor of Public Policy

Morgan Bazilian is the Director of the Payne Institute and Professor of Public Policy at the Colorado School of Mines. With over two decades of experience in the energy sector, Dr. Bazilian is regarded as a leading expert in international affairs, security, policy, and investment. Dr. Bazilian has published in Science, Nature, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, and other leading journals. His book Analytical Methods for Energy Diversity and Security is considered a seminal work in energy finance and security. He serves on the Advisory Council of the Sustainable Finance Programme at Oxford University, a member of Ireland's National Climate Change Council, a Global Fellow at the Wilson Center, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Previously, Dr. Bazilian was a senior diplomat at the United Nations, and lead energy specialist at the World Bank. Earlier in his career, he worked in the Irish Government as Principal Advisor to the Energy Minister. He was also the European Union’s lead negotiator on technology at the UN climate negotiations. 

Sessions With Morgan D. Bazilian

Wednesday, 8 March

Thursday, 9 March

  • 12:30pm - 01:00pm (CST) / 09/mar/2023 06:30 pm - 09/mar/2023 07:00 pm

    How Resilient Are Clean Energy Supply Chains?

    Join this conversation on the industrial policies fueled due to climate action and the impact on global supply chain. Climate policy, particularly in the developed world, is mirroring industrial policy that aims to re-shore clean energy supply chains. Will this increase the divide between the developed and developing world on climate action?