Gene Gebolys

World Energy GH2

Director, World Energy GH2; President and CEO, World Energy LLC

Since 1996, Gene has played a pioneering and leading role in building today’s $136B global biofuels industry. In 1998, he launched World Energy to drive positive change by accelerating the commercialization of viable alternatives to fossil motor fuels. Ever since World Energy has worked to drive innovation through collaboration in North America and beyond. World Energy’s mission remains the same today as it was on its first day and Gene’s commitment to the company delivering on it only continues to grow. Gene holds a Master’s in Public Administration from Harvard University and a Bachelor of Science degree in economics & business management from The Ohio State University. Affiliations: •    Founding Chairman, National Biodiesel Political Action Committee •    Founding member, Biodiesel Quality Accreditation Committee •    Active in local and international organizations including YPO and CEO. National Biodiesel Board present and past roles: •    Governing board member •    Regulatory Affairs Committee Chairman •    RFS Advisory Committee Chairman

Sessions With Gene Gebolys

Tuesday, 7 March

  • 11:30am - 12:00pm (CST) / 07/mar/2023 05:30 pm - 07/mar/2023 06:00 pm

    Can Hydrogen Decarbonize Air Travel?

    The advent of commercial flight connected the world like never before. To achieve net-zero, the aerospace and airline industries will need a similar revolution. The future of zero-carbon flight is Sustainable Aviation Fuels and fuel efficiency. What changes are necessary from equipment makers? How can airlines improve operations? Who will make the millions of tons of SAF necessary?

Wednesday, 8 March