Dr. Pratima Rangarajan

OGCI Climate Investments

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Pratima Rangarajan is the CEO of OGCI Climate Investments, a specialist decarbonization investor focused on driving substantial reductions in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The firm invests in solutions to decarbonize under-served GHG-intensive sectors within energy, industry, built environments and transportation to drive decarbonization impact and financial returns. Climate Investments provides capital across the business lifecycle from the catalytic phase of technology and commercial validation through to scaling its investments’ sector and geographic coverage – all with a focus on maximizing emissions reduction. Dr. Rangarajan is responsible for the firm’s engagement with policymakers, OGCI member companies, senior stakeholders, investors, customers and operators across the wider energy and industry ecosystems, and for driving collaboration opportunities to scale and accelerate emissions reduction. Before joining OGCI Climate Investments, Dr. Rangarajan was the General Manager for GE’s Onshore Wind product line and the General Manager for GE’s Energy Storage start-up. Pratima has a PhD in chemical engineering from Princeton University and a BS in Chemical engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

Sessions With Dr. Pratima Rangarajan

Wednesday, 8 March

  • 09:30am - 10:00am (CST) / 08/mar/2023 03:30 pm - 08/mar/2023 04:00 pm

    Economic Growth, Climate Change and Investment Choices

    Description to update on program and website (edited today, 2/26 by Atul): It is well known that energy consumption is inexorably linked to economic growth. However, even after decades of economic growth, citizens around the world, particularly in Africa and Asia, remain impoverished economically and in their energy use. In 2020 the average annual per capita energy supply of about 40 percent of the world’s population (3.1 billion people, which includes nearly all people in sub-Saharan Africa) was no higher than the rate achieved in both Germany and France in 1860 (Vaclav Smil, 2022). Funding for climate mitigation and adaptation remains woefully inadequate and developed countries have yet to meet the $100 billion/year commitment to developing countries first made in 2009 while billions of dollars are being invested by the US and EU to deploy clean energy technologies domestically. In this conversation we will discuss what is the realistic pace of transition in developing countries, how to accelerate climate finance and technology transfer to emerging economies.